It was a cold May, but here we are tearing out the old raised weed garden. We moved a serious amount of dirt!

The finished garden. Looked better before the squash went south. Never mind that the lawn needs to be mowed pretty badly, but it did fill in from the spring. We had such a wet year this summer. I have never seen anything like it in Colorado before.
Although we had a lot of soil, we brought in some quality composted soil from a local business. We created a rock chip path around the beds, and lined that with brick from the hardware reclamation store. So much better now that there is less grass in the yard! We also had to move a small apple tree that is visible in the second picture. Since the cottonwood out front died, we planted it there.
I was wondering how craft room walls are holding up? I have some paneling, in my new house too, and would love to hide it.
I did not see this comment until waaaaaay too late, but the walls are craft room cover up is still good. There are a few cracks in the paper where the drywall mud cracked. I have repaired these with a bit of Krack Kote and that seemed to do the trick. There is also one place where the edges of the paper peeled, because I pushed out too much of the wallpaper paste.
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